Numident 448-01-50-15-60

(Revised 11/1/14 ML #3418)

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Once a week, a file is sent to the Social Security Administration (SSA) containing the social security number, last name, first name, sex and date of birth (mm/yy) of all individuals in TECS and Vision that have not been previously verified by NUMIDENT.


SSA returns the NUMIDENT file the following day which verified if client information in TECS and Vision matches with SSA's information for social security number, date of birth, gender, and name. When the return NUMIDENT file is processed, the following indicators display in the NUMIDENT field on Client Profile in TECS or Vision with the results of the match:






If the indicator is ‘I’ (invalid) on client profile, one of the following alerts will be generated.


Situation Alert in TECS Alert in Vision

Impossible SSN/never issued to anyone, or no SSN found if all 0’s submitted.




SSN Invalid






Alert Name: SSN Invalid

Description: SSN Invalid for (keyword – client name). The SSN entered was never issued to anyone by SSA.


Name and DOB match, sex code does not.







SSN Invalid – sex does not match








Alert Name: SSN does not match

Description: SSN does not Match because (Keyword – client name) sex does not match the Name and Date of Birth on the SSA records.


Name and sex code match, DOB does not.





SSN Invalid – DOB does not match






Alert Name: SSN does not match

Description: SSN does not Match because (Keyword – client name) Date of Birth does not match the Name and Sex on the SSA records.


Name matches, sex code and DOB do not.






Sex & DOB do not match SSA







Alert Name: SSN does not match

Description: SSN does not Match because (Keyword – client name) Sex and Date of Birth do not match the Name on the SSA records.


Name does not match, DOB and sex code checked.






Name does not match SSN







Alert Name: SSN does not match

Description: SSN does not Match because (Keyword – client name) Name does not match the Date of birth and Sex on the SSA records.


SSA located an SSN different from what was entered into Vision or TECS based on Name and DOB.



SSA has different SSN for client





Alert Name: SSN Invalid

Description: SSN is Invalid for (Keyword – client name). Social Security has a different SSN.


SSA located an SSN different from what was entered into Vision or TECS based on Name only.



SSA has different SSN for client





Alert Name: SSN Invalid

Description: SSN is Invalid for (Keyword – client name). Social Security has a different SSN.


More than 1 SSN found that matched on name and DOB only.





More than 1 SSN at SSA






Alert Name: Multiple SSNs

Description: Social Security has more than one SSN on file for (Keyword – client name), based on the name and Date of Birth’.


More than 1 SSN found that matched on name only.





More than 1 SSN at SSA





Alert Name: Multiple SSNs

Description: Social Security has more than one SSN on file for (Keyword – client name), based on the name only’



For specific information on how to handle clients with an ‘I’ indicator on the Client Profile window, refer to the sections below: